Make sure each addition is covered with at least an inch of the bedding to prevent fruit flies from gathering. Add food waste (vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee and tea waste, grain-based products, and egg shells) to the bin.If you do not already know someone, check the SWRC's list of vermicompost suppliers in Saskatchewan. If you already know someone that vermicomposts, they should have enough worms to give some away every few months. Acquire a starting population of red wiggler earthworms.You will need to add more on top every couple weeks as the old bedding breaks down.

Add 2-3" of damp, shredded cardboard or newspaper into the base of your tub or bin.This is not necessary with commercial vermicompost bins.

If you are using a plastic tub as your bin, cut holes into the lid and sides near the top to improve airflow.The worms live in an enclosed bin with bedding made of newspaper or cardboard. Vermicomposting uses red wiggler earthworms to turn food scraps into worm castings. The nutrients in castings are in a form that is easily taken up by plants. As a soil amendment, worm castings add nutrients, improve soil texture and help to retain moisture.įor a quick overview of vermicomposting see the SWRC's Vermicomposting in 60 seconds video. Earthworm castings (vermicompost) are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, as well as beneficial bacteria. Beneficial m icroorganisms in the bin continue to break down and improve the castings. The worms eat plant material placed in the bin which they convert into nutrient-rich compost in the castings they excrete. Vermicomposting is a method of composting indoors using red wriggler worms ( Eisenia foetida) in a special aerated bin. Landscaping at the U of S - A storied history.