The test engine also posts a warning message to the log to let you know about the replacement and about new recognition properties used.

This enables your tests to work to the end. Now, when the test engine fails to find a window or control, it uses a special AI-based algorithm to find a similar window or control in the application and continues running your tests using that similar object. The new run mode improves the situation dramatically. So, you had to fix errors and re-run failed and unexecuted tests later. In previous versions of TestComplete, when the test engine failed to find a window or control, it posted an error message to the log and often stopped the test or the entire run. AI-based “self-healing” tests - TestComplete 14.3 introduces an improved test-run mode to make your tests resistant to object recognition issues. See Install TestComplete Test Adapter Extension. You can get the new version of the Test Adapter from the Microsoft marketplace, or you can install it from a computer in your local network. When you are configuring a Visual Studio Test task to run TestComplete tests, if your TestComplete project suite has several projects, you can now select a project whose tests you want to run - Now, you can choose the test runner – TestComplete or TestExecute – to be used on the TestComplete Test Adapter. So, if you re-bind the projects later, or if you clone your team project and bind the TestComplete project to the cloned team project, the associations will remain and will work fine. Note that this “unbind” command doesn’t remove associations between test cases and TestComplete test items on the Azure DevOps side.

This will prevent TestComplete from showing you notifications when the team project is unavailable. Earlier, you could do this on the Azure DevOps side only - Now, you can also easily unbind your TestComplete project from an Azure DevOps team project. The new filter box in the Choose Test Case dialog helps you quickly find the test case to which you will link an item - You can unbind TestComplete test items from Azure DevOps test cases directly from within the TestComplete UI. Azure DevOps integration improvements - You can link TestComplete test items to test cases in Azure DevOps faster and easier. Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10